Accommodation tax

An accommodation tax on private overnight stays was introduced from the City of Dresden on the 01.07.2015 and is charged on a sliding scale based on the cost of the accommodation per night.

Guests staying in Dresden on business or for the purposes of further and/or continuing education (including seminars, training courses and congresses) are exempt from this new tax. Exemption is nevertheless not automatic and requires guests to provide their hotel with written confirmation from their employer of the official nature of their stay upon arrival.

We are authorized to issue a certificate of tax exemption for accommodation booked as part of all congresses managed by CMD. Participants included in the arrival lists we submit to hotels are not required to provide separate confirmation of the official nature of their stay as their exemption from accommodation tax has already been confirmed.

Accommodation tax is still due in the case of companions (for the duration of their stay) and any private overnight stays added to business trips by congress participants.