25th Conference on Transportation and Traffic Sciences at the Technische Universität Dresden

On 16th and 17th March 2016 more than 300 participants met at the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Dresden, to hear 50 high-quality technical lectures on the overarching topic „Transport – and how?!“ and to exchange views on the offered contents.

For the first time the conference app LINEUPR was used for this congress. The app allows the participants a quick look at the programme, the corresponding rooms as well as the exhibitors and sponsors with link to their websites.
Through regular updates the participants get real-time information on changes e.g. in speakers and program sequences during the conference. Every participant can compile an individual conference programme by using different searching criteria.

The former palace chapel of the Residenzschloss Dresden (Dresden Royal Palace) with the faithfully reconstructed loop rib vault was the evening location of the first conference day. After being received in the small castle´s courtyard, the participants had the opportunity to visit the art treasures of the Neues Grünes Gewölbe (New Green Vault) in an exclusive night atmosphere. Afterwards the guests were treated with fine food and music. Among other things the „Universal Druckluft Orchester“ by Peter Till contributed to the excellent atmosphere.